In this project, let’s build a Gradient Generator app by applying the concepts we have learned till now.
Refer to the image below:
Design Files
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- [Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px)](
- [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px)](
Set Up Instructions
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- Download dependencies by running `npm install`
- Start up the app using `npm start`
Completion Instructions
Functionality to be added
The app must have the following functionalities
- Initially, the selected gradient direction should be the first value in the given `gradientDirectionsList`
- The initial values for the HTML input elements with type color should be **#8ae323** and **#014f7b** respectively
- When the values are provided for both the input elements with type color, then provided values should be the text content for the respective paragraph elements
- When the **Generate** button is clicked after selecting the direction and picking the colors, the background of the app should have a linear gradient with the selected direction and colors provided
- The `GradientGenerator` component will consist `gradientDirectionsList`. It consists of a list of gradient directions objects with the following properties in each gradient directions object
| Key | Data Type |
| :--------: | :-------: |
| directionId | String |
| value | String |
| displayText | string |
Components Structure
Implementation Files
Use these files to complete the implementation:
- `src/components/GradientGenerator/index.js`
- `src/components/GradientGenerator/styledComponents.js`
- `src/components/GradientDirectionItem/index.js`
- `src/components/GradientDirectionItem/styledComponents.js`
Quick Tips
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- The HTML input element with the type **color** is designed for the user to select the **color** from a color picker.
- You can use the CSS **opacity** property to set the degree of transparency of an element. It has a value in the range of 0 to 1 inclusive.
opacity: 0.5;
Important Note
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**The following instructions are required for the tests to pass**
- The HTML container element for the linear gradient values are applied should have `data-testid` as **gradientGenerator**
- When a gradient direction button is active then the button should have the CSS property opacity with the value **1**
- When a gradient direction button is inactive then the button should have the CSS property opacity with the value **0.5**
Hex: #8ae323
Hex: #014f7b
Hex: #ededed
Hex: #334155
Hex: #ffffff79
Hex: #1e293b
Hex: #00c9b7
- Roboto
Things to Keep in Mind
All components you implement should go in the src/components directory.
Don’t change the component folder names as those are the files being imported into the tests.
Do not remove the pre-filled code
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